Welcome to Chlamyting!

Chlamyting - Chlamydomonas Biophysical Meeting - is a one-day workshop focusing on micro-swimmers and micro-algae, with a particular emphasis on the model system Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It will take place in Bordeaux on May, 17, 2024, with the financial support from Frontiers of Life (RRI).

General description

The microscopic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii stands as a versatile model organism that bridges physics and biology, offering a unique platform for interdisciplinary exploration. We aim to unite the diverse community of researchers dedicated to unravelling the biophysics of this microalga, by gathering you for a day in Bordeaux: Chlamyting, the Chlamydomonas Biophysical Meeting. This short workshop will be a hub for physicists and biologists, to share insights and novel works about our understanding of Chlamy. In addition, this meeting aims to address the potential growing needs for collaboration and cohesion within the research communities, by exploring the idea of establishing a new Groupement de Recherche (GdR). By bringing together experts from both the physics and biology communities, we aspire to promote a new collaborative environment.


The workshop will take place in Talence (close surrounding of Bordeaux), in the building A29 (amphitheater A) of the campus Peixotto of the university of Bordeaux. Adress of the campus: 351 cours de la Liberation, 33400, Talence. 
The campus can be reached from the city center, by tram (Tram B, stop at Peixotto). 

Overall program

The day will be divided into sessions of presentations, lab visits, a time for discussing the need for a GdR, and of course times for scientific discussions around food, coffee, juice, etc.

The day will include 6 presentations by the following invited speakers:
- Gabriel Amselem
- Benjamin Bailleul
- Florence Elias
- Salima Rafai & Philippe Peyla
- Guillaume Allorent
- Jean-Baptiste d'Espinose de Lacaillerie

There are also spots available for shorter contributed talks. PhD students and interns are more than welcome to send abstracts!
Please submit an abstract here
Deadline: April 5th 2024


The registration to the workshop is free of charge but mandatory for everyone who wants to attend (even if you have submitted an abstract). 

Registration is here.
Deadline: April 15th 2024

See you soon!

Looking forward to meeting you in Bordeaux,
The organizers,
Antoine Allard, Hélène de Maleprade, Nicolas Fares, and Raphaël Jeanneret
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